National Workshop on Climate Change and Disaster-related Statistics

Date: 2023-11-07 - 2023-11-09

Location: Cameroon

Indicators: 1.5.1, 1.5.2, 1.5.3, 1.5.4, 11.5.1, 11.5.2, 11.5.3, 11.b.1, 11.b.2, 13.1.1, 13.1.2, 13.1.3, 13.2.1, 13.2.2, 13.3.1, 13.a.1, 13.b.1

Partners: United Nations Statistics Division, UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction, United Nations Development Program, National Institute of Statistics and Directorate of Civil Protection of Cameroon

Topic: Climate change and disaster


The workshop aimed to increase technical capacity for climate change and disaster-related statistics in Cameroon by bringing together and provide hands-on training on priority topics to various stakeholders.

The three-day workshop included seven sessions on international requirements and national experiences in relevant statistics and policy, data governance, as well as two thematic sessions on climate change and disaster-related statistics, with a focus on the Global Set on Climate Change Statistics and Indicators and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030

The workshop highlighted that Cameroon has strong commitments and opportunities to develop climate change and disaster statistics as well as long history of producing environment statistics.