Consultation workshop on SDG Indicator 17.14.1: The case of Kenya

Date: 2020-01-07 - 2020-01-07

Location: Nairobi, Kenya

Indicators: 17.14.1

Partners: National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) of Kenya

Topic: Policy Coherence


UNEP is the Custodian Agency of SDG Indicator 17.14.1 measuring the “Number of countries with mechanisms in place to enhance policy coherence of sustainable development”. As part of this responsibility as custodian agency, it is tasked with leading the methodological development of the indicator, as well as overseeing the data collection and reporting process up to 2030. The SDG 17.14.1 methodology attempts to capture the main types of policy coherence mechanisms, so that governments may assess and report on the mechanisms already in place and aim to establish any that are missing that they deem useful to further enhance policy coherence.

A guidance note on each type of mechanism provides guidance in doing so, presenting examples of existing mechanisms put in place by member states globally as inspiration of the kinds of mechanisms that have proved successful, and that may serve as useful models for others.

A consultation workshop full day was organized in collaboration with the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) in order to present the draft methodology and attempt to apply it to the national case in order to: Receive general feedback on the indicator framework as a whole as well as specific feedback on the different sub indicators.

Identify the various policy coherence mechanisms that exist nationally, and how/whether they fit into the list of 8 types of mechanisms identified by the International Expert Group.

Assess whether any types of policy coherence mechanisms are missing from the methodology, or whether the methodology is unable to account for existing policy coherence mechanisms.

Apply the value system in practice and determine its suitability and usefulness to member states examine the usefulness of the guidance notes.

Identify any challenges for member states in applying the methodology.