Strengthening the environmental dimension of the SDGs: Guyana´s Green State Development Strategy

Date: 2019-02-07 - 2019-02-08

Location: Georgetown, Guyana

Indicators: 17.14.1

Partners: Guyanese Department of Environment (DoE), Midsummer Analytics’

Topic: Policy Coherence and Environment-related SDGs


The project, “Strengthening the environmental dimensions of the sustainable development goals” (SDG-SED Guyana Project) is a component of a larger project implemented by UNEP and its partners in four countries: Burkina Faso, Bangladesh, Colombia and Guyana.

The Project’s goal is to strengthen the capacity of participating countries to: Collect sectoral data, derive national statistics, monitor and report on the country’s progress towards achievement of the environmental targets and indicators of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs), in accordance with national priorities; Establish institutional arrangements to integrate environmental considerations in the planning, implementation and reporting processes of the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda and its related 17 goals and targets.

The Government of Guyana is currently reviewing the draft Green State Development Strategy: Vision 2040, the development of which was supported by UNEP in 2018 in partnership with the Department of Environment (DoE) of the Ministry of the Presidency (MoTP).

The draft Strategy describes the policy priorities for Guyana’s sustainable development over the next 20 years and addresses the three dimensions of sustainability: economic, social and environmental.

The Strategy is integrated with the 2030 Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through support provided from the UN Country Team in Guyana along with other national and international partners, including the Secretariat of the Partnership for Action on the Green Economy (PAGE), of which Guyana is a member.

The overall objectives of the inception mission were to introduce the project to representatives of the Guyanese government and to seek their engagement in it.

The mission provided us with an opportunity to meet the main Guyanese experts, to explain Midsummer Analytics’ role in the project and to seek their input on how we could best meet their needs.

Based on discussions during the workshop, we were able to: establish contact with key environmental statistics experts, and propose an initial set of topics to be covered during the subsequent training workshop, which was then further refined through e-mail discussion with the DoE point of contact and the UNEP Project Manager.
